Red Cliffs Ranch

Vision Board
We 're building the Farm Stand from the ground, much like most of what we do on the farm. We 're excited for what this may bring in the future. We would love to host on sight farm dinners: producing delicious value added creations that turn our raw vegetables into abundant spreads, salsas and other great foods for snacking or appetizers; as well as hosting events on the farm such as: harvest dinners, weddings, or just old fashioned farm tours.
We see our self as key players in the local food scene here in Durango. Producing on one of the largest acreage of vegetables in La Plata county and set to expand. We want to feed our community with the most quality and delicious produce as well as provide some of the most nutritious hay. All by building the healthiest soil through practices like rotational grazing of livestock.
We currently have about 90 irrigated acres of some of the best river valley soil in the world, thanks to our neighbors to the north and south. We could possibly expand by another 100+ acres if we can get more neighbors involved with us. All of our neighbors who we currently ranch on are fantastic people who share our vision. It is possible to get some more our neighbors involved as we grow.
As far as future partners, we are not sure. We are open to all ideas, but the only food we cannot produce at Red Cliffs Ranch is fruit that cannot grow in our climate. We are considering a partnership with a farmer in Arizona or California to fill this void. Our farm stand is where we may be able to showcase some of our neighbor’s local fruits.
We love our community and do all we can, but frankly the health of our soil, animals, and the valley we all live and grow in takes most of our time at this point in our lives.
We do find time to share our knowledge of our land, animals and food through visitors to the ranch, the farmers markets, Facebook, and word of mouth.
Connect with us on Facebook. The best way to see life on the ranch! Keep up with our frequent updates, photos, videos and more. If you like baby animals then this is for you!


Coming Soon...